Pursuant to This Agreement Meaning: A Guide for Legal Professionals

As a legal professional, you are likely to come across the phrase “pursuant to this agreement” quite often. It is a common clause found in contracts and legal documents. However, it is not always clear what it means, and that can cause confusion and misunderstanding.

In this article, we will explore the meaning of “pursuant to this agreement” and provide some examples to help you understand its usage.


“Pursuant to this agreement” is a legal term that means “in accordance with this agreement.” It is often used to establish that a party`s actions or obligations are based on the terms and conditions of the agreement. In simpler terms, it means that a party is bound to perform certain tasks or follow specific rules as outlined in the contract.


“Pursuant to this agreement” is usually found in the introductory clause of a contract or legal document. It is often followed by a description of the actions or obligations that a party must perform. For example, a clause may state, “Pursuant to this agreement, the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer on the specified date.”

In this case, the seller is required to deliver the goods based on the terms and conditions of the contract. If the seller fails to do so, they would be in breach of the agreement, and the buyer would have legal recourse.


To help illustrate the usage of “pursuant to this agreement,” here are some examples:

Example 1:

“Pursuant to this agreement, the parties agree to arbitrate any disputes arising out of this contract.”

In this example, the parties have agreed to resolve any disagreements through arbitration, as outlined in the contract.

Example 2:

“Pursuant to this agreement, the employee shall receive a salary of $50,000 per year.”

In this case, the employee`s salary is based on the terms and conditions of the agreement, and they are entitled to receive the specified amount.

Example 3:

“Pursuant to this agreement, the company shall have the right to terminate the contract if the client fails to pay within 30 days.”

Here, the company has the right to terminate the contract if the client fails to make timely payments, as specified in the agreement.


Understanding the meaning of “pursuant to this agreement” is essential for legal professionals to ensure that parties understand their obligations and responsibilities under a contract or legal document. It is a crucial clause that establishes the terms and conditions of an agreement and helps avoid misunderstandings and disputes.

As a professional, I hope this guide has been helpful in clarifying the meaning and usage of “pursuant to this agreement.” Remember, when in doubt, always consult with a legal professional to ensure that the language used in your legal documents is accurate and legally binding.